Grow from the videos you watch.
A slower, more meaningful way to watch video content.

Product Designer
UI Designer
November 2023
3 weeks
Elisha Jeon
Axel Roesler
A solo project that began with the premise of redesigning the streaming app, YouTube. My primary objective was to push designs that were different and unconventional visually and conceptually.
By focusing on user experience, I landed on an idea that prioritizes personalized viewing journeys and fosters deeper thinking between the content and viewer. This exploration involved experimenting with new navigation styles, enhancing discoverability, and incorporating immersive elements that directly challenge the norms of video consumption.
UI Design
Product Design
Our attention is fleeting.
The abundance of readily available videos online on platforms like Youtube and TikTok have reshaped the way we consume content. We scroll, swipe, and click without leaving room for sustained contemplation.
As our attention flits from one video to another, our engagement has weakened into something disposable, fragmented, and most of all, unfulfilling.
How can I help
fast content
consumers connect deeper
with the videos they watch?
Creating space for
reflection with Fleet.
An app for casual learning, introspectivity, and anti-doom-watching.

Fleet is a streaming platform where people select videos based on authentic reflections shared by others. It aims to encourage people to have thoughtful contemplation before and after watching the video, facilitating an exchange of personal insights that deepens the learning experience.

'What is fleet?' onboarding!
Videos picked for the app are insightful, fun, and not too long so users can learn with ease. Each fleet can be about one topic — Art, Science, Culture, Societal issues, History, Art, or Personal Development.
One fleet a day
To prevent binge-watching and enhance focus, watchers are limited to one fleet a day. Each day, a fresh selection of fleets with new exciting videos are given to choose from. This daily rhythm makes it easier for people to engage consistently.
Upon choosing a fleet, your video unveils itself
Watchers receive access to the details about the video and can watch it. There are captions, transcript search, and chapters to guide their experience. They can also favorite the video to refer back to and re-watch another time.
Reflect your honest afterthoughts
After watching a video, users can write anything to mark their connection with the video. What they've learned, their emotions, personal anecdotes — it's a space for unfiltered impressions and reflection.
It can be privately saved, or shared so others can discover your fleet and video.
Revisit your past fleets and reflections
Watchers can rediscover the fleets they've done in the current week, or from all-time using filter tags and the search. Each fleet encompasses a past perspective or new discovery, so it can be rewarding seeing the archive grow.
Demo Video

Components, Interactions, and Design Language
This project involved a lot of firsts: it was my first time working with components on Figma, ideating and designing an app from start to finish by myself, and my first experience trying to stray away from conventional design rather than referencing them, pushing my creative boundaries.
Elisha Jeon © 2024